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Statistics of Atheism 2008
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moral. atheism. god. christ hitchens sam harris bibel
+15 / -2 (+13)

Oct 11, 2008

Statistics of Atheism 2008

-Atheism is growing (3 times as many people losing their faith than gaining a faith)

-Safest countries in the world have a positive correlation with atheism

-Education and intelligence have a positive correlation with atheism

-Atheists less likely to be criminals and less likely to divorce


Statistics in regards to Europe came from religious organization called Tearfund. 

Statistics in regards to America came from the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life.

Atheism growing came from..

Societal Health statistics come from numerous sources, such as The journal of 

Religion and Society

but the specific quotation comes from "The Cambridge Companion to Atheism" by 


More information can be found in this video

National Academy of Sciences statistics come from a study in the Journal Nature, by Larson & Whitham in 1998.

Intelligence and Education statistics come from the Tearfund organization as 

linked previously as well as DOZENS of studies that can be summed up by Paul Bell 

in an article in Mensa magazine.

Bell, Paul. "Would you believe it?" Mensa Magazine, Feb. 2002, pp. 12--13

Prison Statistics can be found here..

Divorce Statistics can be found here..

Please leave a comment if you want, this is just to show what is out there...

And before you go and spam, dl it watch it and make up your own mind...

cheers the_phyrexian

Are you a British citizen? Click here! (Petition to stop Sharia Law)


Cicero offered comfort in De Senectute by arguing that it was silly to fear death. After more than two thousand years his words still have not the slightest power to console us. Philip Larkin was much more convincing about the fear of death:

This is a special way of being afraid
No trick dispels. Religion used to try,
That vast moth-eaten musical brocade
Created to pretend we never die,
And specious stuff that says No rational being
Can fear a thing it will not feel, not seeing
That this is what we fear?no sight, no sound,
No touch or taste or smell, nothing to think with,
Nothing to love or link with,
The anaesthetic from which none come round.

Living without God isn't easy. But its very difficulty offers one other consolation?that there is a certain honor, or perhaps just a grim satisfaction, in facing up to our condition without despair and without wishful thinking?with good humor, but without God.
Is it possible that clouds of gas (who created them?) colliding and exploding can create billions of human beings? Billions of stars, planets and animals? Is it possible all of this is without purpose?

Think about it. How can random gasses create man? This is what the big bang theory has you believe. I choose not to.
well you are free to not believe in the current status of physics that lead to the theory of the "Big Bang". The name big bang, is in itself, a simplification of the ideas and maths behind that and as things go, this theory is the status quo. The red shift, thousands of pictures in different spectrums, equations, readings in different spectrums substantiate the theory.

the amount of data in support is staggering.

feel free not to believe this, but the alternatives are not as well substantiated.
There is just as much data and maybe even more to support ID, as the big bang. Everything could not have come from nothing, it is impossible does not occur today and never will.
DcPromo at 2008-10-12 04:04 CET:
There is just as much data and maybe even more to support ID, as the big bang. Everything could not have come from nothing, it is impossible does not occur today and never will.

there is not a shread of evidence to support ID.
there are 4 times more Historians that deny that the Holocaust happend, than Scientist that aggree with ID.

download my torrent here for more information.
In 1987 a U.S. court of law ruled creationism / Inteligent design to be religion, not science, since then I.D. have not come up with any argument or discovery that could change that verdict.
Atheism is living without fear of the supernatural, and thus less scary than theism. And who says the universe isn't teleological, even without a god? We (all of us that choose to seriously think about it instead of burying our heads in prefabricated religion) are only beginning to uncover the secrets of causality, why events are connected. Modern science would not be possible in a purely Christian world, without a deeper understanding than the idea that everything is simply connected to god.